Business & Marketing Coach

Have a question or just want to get in touch? Message be below!

Well hello fellow handmade product business owners! My name is Angie Neyens. Over twenty years ago, in 2001, I started making soap. Using my background in graphic design, I quickly started branding my products and selling at craft shows. I eventually started selling online and in 2011 opened my first retail boutique. In 2015, I branched out into handcrafted artisan 5-toxin-free nail polish and decided to market it separately instead of adding it to the Handmade Natural Beauty line. Sassy Pants Polish was born.

I wanted to create a profitable business for myself and my family, but struggled with gaining traction and was barely making enough to continue, let alone draw a regular paycheck. In fact, I was a broke, unemployed single mom of an infant when I started my business. After years of struggling to get systems that work for me, I made a lot of time-consuming and costly mistakes. I felt overwhelmed and exhausted. It was a challenge to keep up with everything in both my business and life. Even my health suffered. I felt alone, trying to figure out everything on my own.

A turning point for me was investing in myself through business coaches and starting to train with some of the leading experts in social media, online marketing, e-commerce, and more. However, not all were as helpful as they could've been because not all of them related to me as a handmade product seller.

In 2021, after piecing everything together, I finally reached that elusive $100K mark without feeling like I was flying by the seat of my pants or working more. I have systems in place to run every aspect of my handmade business and I have a system to pay myself every two weeks and even take bonuses. I'm now sharing what I've learned along the way with fellow handmade product entrepreneurs so that YOU CAN REACH 6 FIGURES FASTER THAN I DID!

Business Coaching

I offer encouragement and advice on building your handmade business to get you scaled and paying yourself faster than I did with no clear path, saving you time and money by avoiding my costly mistakes.

Goal Setting

Through my signature tools we work together to evaluate and make a plan to get your handmade product business to six figures through careful examinations and S.M.A.R.T. goal setting.

Brand Strategy

I help you become crystal clear on who your ideal customer is, how to appeal to them and what tools you can use to ensure all of your communication with your audience is on brand and on target.

Marketing Audits

Need a pair of marketing eyes to evaluate and audit your existing marketing materials? Besides over 20 years of marketing my own businesses, I used to run an design firm. Marketing and graphic design is my jam!

Why Listen to Me?

Have degrees in Mass Communications, Photography, Marketing and Graphic/Web Design

Have trained with some of the best business coaches in the self-employed industry including: Stu McLearon, Sarah Williams, Amy Porterfield, Marie Forleo, Tina Dahmen, Susan Bradley, Cathy Donovan Wagner, Vishen Lakhiani, Lucy Kelly, Hillary DeCesar, Stephanie Nickolich, Kimberly Olson, Jacqueline Snyder and Minna Khounlo-Sithep, and more.

Been a product based business owner for 21 years and counting.

Sell online through my websites and collaborations

Sell subscription boxes

Sell wholesale directly and through wholesale marketplaces

Appeared in Gift Shop Magazine and even had a soap appear on the Today Show

Have successfully pivoted business through devastating life events, recessions and a global pandemic

Is This Coaching For You?

Do you dream of being able to own a profitable business, but you're struggling with how to get consistent sales?

Do you want a business strategy designed for makers, without having to figure it all out on your own?

Are you tired feeling overwhelmed wearing all the hats in your business, without making a paycheck that matches your efforts?

Are you struggling to break free from the hamster wheel of working IN your business rather than ON your business so that you can really move the needle forward?

Do you have a vision of owning a 6 or even 7 figure business, but you keep getting stuck on not knowing what to do to get there?


Online Coaching Resources

Free Resource

Download the 10 Social Media Content Ideas For Makers instantly so you can start implementing those ideas immediately that will help you grow your business by leveraging the power of social media, without needing to hire a team or spend money on ads.

FREE Masterclass: 6 Figure Maker Masterclass

In this FREE 90 minute webinar, learn how to scale your handmade product business to 6 figures or beyond, through marketing, effective business systems and diversifying sales channels to live the life you've dreamed of, WITHOUT overwhelm.

6 Week 6 Figure Handmade Academy

This intensive all-inclusive immersive training is currently in the works. Stay tuned for Beta Launch!

Let Me Help You Build the 6 Figure Handmade Business of Your Dreams

Let's chat to see where your handmade business is at and where you need help. Is it your branding, marketing, opportunities, systems? Are you the bottleneck? Let's figure it out together and get you on the right path to financial freedom!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

Have a question or just want to get in touch? Message be below!

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